Monday, June 22, 2009

Hmmm...Pictures of me are getting harder to come by nowadays. J and T seem to be hogging all the camera focus. Even time seems to be measured by their arrival! But don't worry, I sneak in on some of the shots and upset the focus. So they aren't stunning poses, but at least you know I'm still up to some good.

At 2 months

At 4 months

Ahhh...these pups can wear me out!

Tuesday, March 3, 2009

I love snow!!

I love it when it snows. When the flakes are big I try and catch them in the air. I love to snowplow through the snow with my nose looking for whatever the snow is hiding. I try to catch the snowballs E throws at me but they always break-up in my mouth. Snow is fascinating!

Watching the new pups

There are some new additions to our pack. I have the responsibility to make sure they are safe so I stand guard in their doorway to make sure no one gets in or out without a proper search.